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Bloody Conviction
So, the cop who killed George Floyd got 22.5 years.
George Floyd got Life. Get it? The cop took his life. Yeah, you got it. This is justice for Black people in America. A Black person with some problems, maybe drug use, maybe tried to pass a bad bill. Maybe. He had not had a trial. Oh wait; the cop tried him. On the sidewalk. And the cop tried, convicted and executed him in 9 minutes. Everyone knows that by now.
This is justice in our country. Remember Trayvon Martin? He was convicted and executed for wearing a hoodie. Remember that? His killer, free. Not even free on bond. Executioner goes free because he maybe feared for his life while he was tackling this young kid, wearing a dangerous hoodie. He was afraid so he killed Trayvon.
This is justice in our country. If you are even suspected of a misdemeanor but you’re Black, you can be tried, convicted and executed on the goddamn sidewalk. Yeah, I know; not every time. Sometimes no one gets killed. But, how many times do we have to read these sick, sad stories? And we have some goddamn legislatures who do not want us reminded of lynchings in our country. So, when will we ever learn?
This is justice in our country. And you know what is really hilarious? I am an old white man. You could actually call my family WASPs. But we WASP people should not have done all…