Emma, thank you for writing this. It must be incredibly hard to face yourself and be open. Keep it up. I am a retired pediatrician and know, and have known many people who were gay, bi, trans, unsure. I am still learning about this. I am an old, straight white man but have empathy for all who do not feel like part of the whole. Not "normal." Perhaps my story seems very bland, but I have/had Asperger's, hads trouble connecting with others; my name was changed as a child and I struggled with this identity..."Who the hell am I really?". so I have empathy for those with gender identity issues, no-white, whatever. Externally I look like a nice old "normal" white man but I am only in later years accepting myself. I try to write about gender issues and others.. I have published "Coffee Shop" and "Hair".. which appears as Author's Photo because I still, at 74, struggle with the damn technology. I try to present pictures of people I have known , as fiction stories. Please know that your efforts, your openness are helping our world to accept ALL humans as human...that the soul is androgynous, no gender, no race, no color, no religion, and in our human bodies we struggle to evolve and should all accept and love each other, which is more than just tolerating. My best to you and keep writing. David