Hi Trudie. This is my second attempt. I wrote a response, then hit some accidental key and it disappeared. ANyway, hoorah for you. I grew up catholic and am now agnostic, not completely unbelieving. I believe in Reincarnation and that there is some kind of supreme spirit, a power in the universe, but do not accept that there is this god who controls everything. What I have learned is that most likely our soul decides to incarnate into a certain body and to have certain experiences. It is complicated because we interact with other souls' stories/lives. But it still makes more sense to me than the traditional christian views, or, for that matter, from what I know of other religions. I think religions try to teach a spirituality made simple. I prefer to think about it myself.
In any case, thanks for writing the way you do.
Oh, btw, I am not familiar with the word "stupzed." No offense, just wondering.
Keep it up.
Regards, David