I agree with most of this. First, I agree that most large publications will not look at a new writer, or someone completely unknown. The biggest ones invite well-known writers. I do really believe that writing/presenting for publication to a smaller venue is more satisfying because when one is accepted it feels like someone else besides your 2 best friends and your brother like it. Medium accepts anyone, but to get really noticed is, to me, very difficult. One of my problems is likely that I do not write like some of the more popular writers write; I don't present lists of how to get a date, how do you know if someone is into you, how to make money, etc. I just don't write those. However, I have found some really great writers who I enjoy reading and we sometimes connect on some level, and they may be half-way around the world. It's enjoyable, makes my life better. I have, in years past, had poetry published in print journals and one book and that is very satisfying. I will likely never figure out to make any money with Medium, but there are many smaller publications which may work. But...I do like your writing and will continue reading it. Thanks.