Member-only story
They Musta Been Communists
I can say with nearly absolute certainty that they were NOT Communists.
I work part-time in the Liquor Department of a large grocery store. Not a bad job, although, since I drink very little, it is not a wonderful Nirvana. Some guys react when I say I work in a liquor department, like, “Oh man! That must be great huh?” or, “Do you get free samples?” No. And no. In fact if I were somehow weirdly tempted and started tasting the products in the department, and if I were caught, it would be grounds for immediate termination.
It is enjoyable in some ways, mainly when customers come in and ask where something is, or do we have such and such wine or whiskey or whatever. More fun is when someone wants a recommendation. I interview the person for who is getting the product, is this a gift, what kind of taste does the person have? One time a couple came in and they were originally from maybe Albania or Romania. The man was looking for an expensive wine. I do not normally push people to only buy expensive. The customer should be satisfied and then they will more likely return. The woman said “It does not have to be expensive!” But the man insisted, “Yes it does!” He turned to me and said “It’s for her father.” So, I understood.
But the story about the Communists, or not, was another fellow, who wandered in one day. He was maybe 60, casually-dressed, and was looking for some…